Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  @file
3  @brief Creates dataset with all members of a metadata group
4  @details This macro will query SAS metadata and return all the members
5  of a particular group.
7  Usage:
9  %mm_getgroupmembers(someGroupName
10  ,outds=work.mm_getgroupmembers
11  ,emails=YES
12  )
14  @param [in] group metadata group for which to bring back members
15  @param [out] outds= (work.mm_getgroupmembers)
16  The dataset to create that contains the list of members
17  @param [in] emails= (NO) Set to YES to bring back email addresses
18  @param [in] id= (NO) Set to yes if passing an ID rather than a group name
20  @returns outds dataset containing all members of the metadata group
22  <h4> Related Macros </h4>
23  @li
24  @li
26  @version 9.2
27  @author Allan Bowe
29 **/
31 %macro mm_getgroupmembers(
32  group /* metadata group for which to bring back members */
33  ,outds=work.mm_getgroupmembers /* output dataset to contain the results */
34  ,emails=NO /* set to yes to bring back emails also */
35  ,id=NO /* set to yes if passing an ID rather than group name */
36 )/*/STORE SOURCE*/;
38  data &outds ;
39  attrib uriGrp uriMem GroupId GroupName Group_or_Role MemberName MemberType
40  euri email length=$64
41  GroupDesc length=$256
42  rcGrp rcMem rc i j length=3;
43  call missing (of _all_);
44  drop uriGrp uriMem rcGrp rcMem rc i j arc ;
46  i=1;
47  * Grab the URI for the first Group ;
48  %if &id=NO %then %do;
49  rcGrp=metadata_getnobj("omsobj:IdentityGroup?@Name='&group'",i,uriGrp);
50  %end;
51  %else %do;
52  rcGrp=metadata_getnobj("omsobj:IdentityGroup?@Id='&group'",i,uriGrp);
53  %end;
54  * If Group found, enter do loop ;
55  if rcGrp>0 then do;
56  call missing (rcMem,uriMem,GroupId,GroupName,Group_or_Role
57  ,MemberName,MemberType);
58  * get group info ;
59  rc = metadata_getattr(uriGrp,"Id",GroupId);
60  rc = metadata_getattr(uriGrp,"Name",GroupName);
61  rc = metadata_getattr(uriGrp,"PublicType",Group_or_Role);
62  rc = metadata_getattr(uriGrp,"Desc",GroupDesc);
63  j=1;
64  do while (metadata_getnasn(uriGrp,"MemberIdentities",j,uriMem) > 0);
65  call missing (MemberName, MemberType, email);
66  rc = metadata_getattr(uriMem,"Name",MemberName);
67  rc = metadata_getattr(uriMem,"PublicType",MemberType);
68  if membertype='User' and "&emails"='YES' then do;
69  if metadata_getnasn(uriMem,"EmailAddresses",1,euri)>0 then do;
70  arc=metadata_getattr(euri,"Address",email);
71  end;
72  end;
73  output;
74  j+1;
75  end;
76  end;
77  run;
79 %mend mm_getgroupmembers;