Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  @file
3  @brief Creates a dataset with all metadata tables for a particular library
4  @details Will only show the tables for which the executing user has the
5  requisite metadata access.
7  usage:
9  %mm_gettables(uri=A5X8AHW1.B40001S5)
11  @param [in] uri= the uri of the library for which to return tables
12  @param [out] outds= (work.mm_gettables) the dataset to contain the list of
13  tables
14  @param [in] getauth= (YES) Fetch the authdomain used in database connections.
15  Set to NO to improve runtimes in larger environments, as there can be a
16  performance hit on the `metadata_getattr(domainuri, "Name", AuthDomain)`
17  call.
19  @returns outds dataset containing all groups in a column named "metagroup"
20  (defaults to work.mm_getlibs). The following columns are provided:
21  - tablename
22  - tableuri
23  - libref
24  - libname
25  - libdesc
27  @version 9.2
28  @author Allan Bowe
30 **/
32 %macro mm_gettables(
33  uri=
34  ,outds=work.mm_gettables
35  ,getauth=YES
36 )/*/STORE SOURCE*/;
39 data &outds;
40  length uri serveruri conn_uri domainuri libname ServerContext AuthDomain
41  path_schema usingpkguri type tableuri $256 id $17
42  libdesc $200 libref engine $8 IsDBMSLibname IsPreassigned $1
43  tablename $50 /* metadata table names can be longer than $32 */
44  ;
45  keep libname libdesc libref engine ServerContext path_schema AuthDomain
46  tableuri tablename IsPreassigned IsDBMSLibname id;
47  call missing (of _all_);
49  uri=symget('uri');
50  rc= metadata_getattr(uri, "Name", libname);
51  if rc <0 then do;
52  put 'The library is not defined in this metadata repository.';
53  stop;
54  end;
55  rc= metadata_getattr(uri, "Desc", libdesc);
56  rc= metadata_getattr(uri, "Libref", libref);
57  rc= metadata_getattr(uri, "Engine", engine);
58  rc= metadata_getattr(uri, "IsDBMSLibname", IsDBMSLibname);
59  rc= metadata_getattr(uri, "IsPreassigned", IsPreassigned);
60  rc= metadata_getattr(uri, "Id", Id);
62  /*** Get associated ServerContext ***/
63  rc= metadata_getnasn(uri, "DeployedComponents", 1, serveruri);
64  if rc > 0 then rc2= metadata_getattr(serveruri, "Name", ServerContext);
65  else ServerContext='';
67  /*** If the library is a DBMS library, get the Authentication Domain
68  associated with the DBMS connection credentials ***/
69  if IsDBMSLibname="1" and "&getauth"='YES' then do;
70  rc= metadata_getnasn(uri, "LibraryConnection", 1, conn_uri);
71  if rc>0 then do;
72  rc2= metadata_getnasn(conn_uri, "Domain", 1, domainuri);
73  if rc2>0 then rc3= metadata_getattr(domainuri, "Name", AuthDomain);
74  end;
75  end;
77  /*** Get the path/database schema for this library ***/
78  rc=metadata_getnasn(uri, "UsingPackages", 1, usingpkguri);
79  if rc>0 then do;
80  rc=metadata_resolve(usingpkguri,type,id);
81  if type='Directory' then
82  rc=metadata_getattr(usingpkguri, "DirectoryName", path_schema);
83  else if type='DatabaseSchema' then
84  rc=metadata_getattr(usingpkguri, "Name", path_schema);
85  else path_schema="unknown";
86  end;
88  /*** Get the tables associated with this library ***/
89  /*** If DBMS, tables are associated with DatabaseSchema ***/
90  if type='DatabaseSchema' then do;
91  t=1;
92  ntab=metadata_getnasn(usingpkguri, "Tables", t, tableuri);
93  if ntab>0 then do t=1 to ntab;
94  tableuri='';
95  tablename='';
96  ntab=metadata_getnasn(usingpkguri, "Tables", t, tableuri);
97  tabrc= metadata_getattr(tableuri, "Name", tablename);
98  output;
99  end;
100  else put 'Library ' libname ' has no tables registered';
101  end;
102  else if type in ('Directory','SASLibrary') then do;
103  t=1;
104  ntab=metadata_getnasn(uri, "Tables", t, tableuri);
105  if ntab>0 then do t=1 to ntab;
106  tableuri='';
107  tablename='';
108  ntab=metadata_getnasn(uri, "Tables", t, tableuri);
109  tabrc= metadata_getattr(tableuri, "Name", tablename);
110  output;
111  end;
112  else put 'Library ' libname ' has no tables registered';
113  end;
114 run;
116 proc sort;
117 by tablename tableuri;
118 run;
120 %mend mm_gettables;