Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  @file
3  @brief DDL for MPE_AUDIT
4  @details
7  @version 9.2
8  @author 4GL Apps Ltd
9  @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd
10 **/
12 proc sql;
13 create table &curlib..mpe_audit(
14  load_ref char(36) label='unique load reference',
15  processed_dttm num format=E8601DT26.6 label='Processed at timestamp',
16  libref char(8) label='Library Reference (8 chars)',
17  dsn char(32) label='Dataset Name (32 chars)',
18  key_hash char(32) label=
19  'MD5 Hash of primary key values (pipe seperated)',
20  move_type char(1) label='Either (A)ppended, (D)eleted or (M)odified',
21  is_pk num label='Is Primary Key Field? (1/0)',
22  is_diff num label=
23  'Did value change? (1/0/-1). Always -1 for appends and deletes.',
24  tgtvar_type char(1) label='Either (C)haracter or (N)umeric',
25  tgtvar_nm char(32) label='Target variable name (32 chars)',
26  oldval_num num format=best32. label='Old (numeric) value',
27  newval_num num format=best32. label='New (numeric) value',
28  oldval_char char(32765) label='Old (character) value',
29  newval_char char(32765) label='New (character) value',
30  constraint pk_mpe_audit
31  primary key(load_ref,libref,dsn,key_hash,tgtvar_nm)
32 );