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1 /**
2  @file mpe_lineage_cols.ddl
3  @brief ddl file
4  @details
7  @version 9.2
8  @author 4GL Apps Ltd
9  @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd
10 **/
12 proc sql;
13 create table &curlib..mpe_lineage_cols
14  (
15  col_id char(32),
16  direction char(1),
17  jobname char(256),
18  sourcetablename char(256),
19  sourcecolname char(256),
20  sourcecoluri char(256),
21  map_type char(256),
22  map_transform char(256),
23  targettablename char(256),
24  targetcolname char(256),
25  targetcoluri char(256),
26  Derived_Rule char(500),
27  level int,
28  modified_dttm float,
29  modified_by char(64),
30  constraint pk_mpe_lineage_cols primary key
31  (
32  col_id,direction,sourcecoluri,targetcoluri,map_type,map_transform
33  )
34  );