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1 /**
2  @file mpe_lineage_tabs.ddl
3  @brief ddl file
4  @details
7  @version 9.2
8  @author 4GL Apps Ltd
9  @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd
10 **/
12 proc sql;
13 create table &curlib..MPE_LINEAGE_TABS
14  (
15  tx_from num not null,
16  jobid char(17),
17  jobname char(128),
18  srctableid char(17),
19  srctabletype char(16),
20  srctablename char(64),
21  srclibref char(8),
22  tgttableid char(17),
23  tgttabletype char(16),
24  tgttablename char(64),
25  tgtlibref char(8),
26  tx_to num not null,
27  constraint pk_MPE_LINEAGE_TABS primary key
28  (
29  tx_to,jobid,srctableid,tgttableid
30  )
31  );