Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  @file
3  @brief Fetches all groups or the groups for a particular member
4  @details When building applications that run on multiple flavours of SAS, it
5  is convenient to use a single macro (like this one) to fetch the groups
6  regardless of the flavour of SAS being used
8  The alternative would be to compile a generic macro in target-specific
9  folders (SASVIYA, SAS9 and SASJS). This avoids compiling unnecessary macros
10  at the expense of a more complex sasjsconfig.json setup.
13  @param [in] mdebug= (0) Set to 1 to enable DEBUG messages
14  @param [in] user= (0) Provide the username on which to filter
15  @param [in] uid= (0) Provide the userid on which to filter
16  @param [in] repo= (foundation) SAS9 only, choose the metadata repo to query
17  @param [in] access_token_var= (ACCESS_TOKEN) VIYA only.
18  The global macro variable to contain the access token
19  @param [in] grant_type= (sas_services) VIYA only.
20  Valid values are "password" or "authorization_code" (unquoted).
21  @param [out] outds= (work.mx_getgroups) This output dataset will contain the
22  list of groups. Format:
24 |---|---|---|
25 |`SomeGroup `|`A group `|`1`|
26 |`Another Group`|`this is a different group`|`2`|
27 |`admin`|`Administrators `|`3`|
29  <h4> SAS Macros </h4>
30  @li
31  @li
32  @li
33  @li
34  @li
36 **/
38 %macro mx_getgroups(
39  mdebug=0,
40  user=0,
41  uid=0,
42  repo=foundation,
43  access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN,
44  grant_type=sas_services,
45  outds=work.mx_getgroups
46 )/*/STORE SOURCE*/;
47 %local platform name shortloc;
48 %let platform=%mf_getplatform();
50 %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;
51  %ms_getgroups(
52  user=&user,
53  uid=&uid,
54  outds=&outds,
55  mdebug=&mdebug
56  )
57  data &outds;
58  length groupuri groupname $32 groupdesc $128 ;
59  set &outds;
60  keep groupuri groupname groupdesc;
61  groupuri=cats(groupid);
62  groupname=name;
63  groupdesc=description;
64  run;
65  proc sort; by groupname; run;
66 %end;
67 %else %if &platform=SAS9 or &platform=SASMETA %then %do;
68  %if &user=0 %then %let user=;
69  %mm_getGroups(
70  user=&user
71  ,outds=&outds
72  ,repo=&repo
73  ,mDebug=&mdebug
74  )
75  proc sort data=&outds; by groupname; run;
76 %end;
77 %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;
78  %if &user=0 %then %do;
79  %mv_getgroups(access_token_var=&access_token_var
80  ,grant_type=&grant_type
81  ,outds=&outds
82  )
83  %end;
84  %else %do;
85  %mv_getusergroups(&user
86  ,outds=&outds
87  ,access_token_var=&access_token_var
88  ,grant_type=&grant_type
89  )
90  %end;
91  proc sort
92  data=&outds(rename=(id=groupuri name=groupname description=groupdesc))
93  out=&outds (keep=groupuri groupname groupdesc);
94  by groupname;
95  run;
96 %end;
98 %mend mx_getgroups;