hooks Directory Reference

HOOK Scripts - these run before/after specific EDIT/APPROVE events.


file  mpe_column_level_security_postedit.sas [code]
 Post Edit Hook script for the MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY table.
file  mpe_row_level_security_postedit.sas [code]
 Post Edit Hook script for the MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY table.
file  mpe_security_postedit.sas [code]
 Post Edit Hook script for the MPE_SECURITY table.
file  mpe_tables_postedit.sas [code]
 Post Edit Hook script for the MPE_TABLES table.
file  mpe_validations_postedit.sas [code]
 Post Edit Hook script for the MPE_VALIDATIONS table.
file  mpe_xlmap_info_postedit.sas [code]
 Post Edit Hook script for the MPE_XLMAP_INFO table.
file  mpe_xlmap_rules_postedit.sas [code]
 Post Edit Hook script for the MPE_XLMAP_RULES table.
file  sample_xlmap_data_postapprove.sas [code]
 Sample XLMAP Data hook program (sample_xlmap_data_postapprove)
file  sample_xlmap_data_postedit.sas [code]
 Sample XLMAP Data hook program.