Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  @file
3  @brief Creates a dataset with column metadata.
4  @details This macro takes the `proc contents` output and "tidies it up" in the
5  following ways:
7  @li Blank labels are filled in with column names
8  @li Formats are reconstructed with default values
9  @li Types such as DATE / TIME / DATETIME are inferred from the formats
11  Example usage:
13  %mp_getcols(sashelp.airline,outds=work.myds)
15  @param [in] ds The dataset from which to obtain column metadata
16  @param [out] outds= (work.cols) The output dataset to create. Sample data:
17 |NAME:$32.|LENGTH:best.|VARNUM:best.|LABEL:$256.|FMTNAME:$32.|FORMAT:$49.|TYPE:$1.|DDTYPE:$9.|
18 |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|
19 |`AIR `|`8 `|`2 `|`international airline travel (thousands) `|` `|`8. `|`N `|`NUMERIC `|
20 |`DATE `|`8 `|`1 `|`DATE `|`MONYY `|`MONYY. `|`N `|`DATE `|
21 |`REGION `|`3 `|`3 `|`REGION `|` `|`$3. `|`C `|`CHARACTER `|
24  <h4> Related Macros </h4>
25  @li
26  @li
28  @version 9.2
29  @author Allan Bowe
31 **/
33 %macro mp_getcols(ds, outds=work.cols);
34 %local dropds;
35 proc contents noprint data=&ds
36  out=_data_ (keep=name type length label varnum format:);
37 run;
38 %let dropds=&syslast;
39 data &outds(keep=name type length varnum format label ddtype fmtname);
40  set &dropds(rename=(format=fmtname type=type2));
41  name=upcase(name);
42  if type2=2 then do;
43  length format $49.;
44  if fmtname='' then format=cats('$',length,'.');
45  else if formatl=0 then format=cats(fmtname,'.');
46  else format=cats(fmtname,formatl,'.');
47  type='C';
48  ddtype='CHARACTER';
49  end;
50  else do;
51  if fmtname='' then format=cats(length,'.');
52  else if formatl=0 then format=cats(fmtname,'.');
53  else if formatd=0 then format=cats(fmtname,formatl,'.');
54  else format=cats(fmtname,formatl,'.',formatd);
55  type='N';
56  if format=:'DATETIME' or format=:'E8601DT' or format=:'NLDATM'
57  then ddtype='DATETIME';
58  else if format=:'DATE' or format=:'DDMMYY' or format=:'MMDDYY'
59  or format=:'YYMMDD' or format=:'E8601DA' or format=:'B8601DA'
60  or format=:'MONYY' or format=:'NLDATE'
61  then ddtype='DATE';
62  else if format=:'TIME' then ddtype='TIME';
63  else ddtype='NUMERIC';
64  end;
65  if label='' then label=name;
66 run;
67 proc sql;
68 drop table &dropds;
69 %mend mp_getcols;