base Directory Reference

Regular Base SAS Macros.


Detailed Description

These macros have the following attributes:

  OS independent
  Not metadata aware
  No X command
  Prefixes:  _mf_, _mp_

Macros starting mf_ are macro functions and can be used in assignment statements. Those starting mp_ are macro procedures, which generate SAS statements, and must therefore be applied accordingly.


file [code]
 Abort, ungracefully.
file [code]
 de-duplicates a macro string
file [code]
 Deletes a physical file, if it exists.
file [code]
 Checks whether a dataset OR a view exists.
file [code]
 Checks whether a feature exists.
file [code]
 Checks whether a fileref exists.
file [code]
 Checks if a function exists.
file [code]
 Checks if a variable exists in a data set.
file [code]
 Checks if a set of variables ALL exist in a data set.
file [code]
 Returns E8601DT26.6 if compatible else DATETIME19.3.
file [code]
 Returns the appLoc from the _program variable.
file [code]
 Returns a character attribute of a dataset.
file [code]
 Returns a numeric attribute of a dataset.
file [code]
 Returns the engine type of a SAS library.
file [code]
 Returns the size of a file in bytes.
file [code]
 Returns a distinct list of formats from a table.
file [code]
 Extracts a format name from a fully defined format.
file [code]
 Retrieves the current branch from a local GIT repo.
file [code]
 retrieves a key value pair from a control dataset
file [code]
 Returns platform specific variables.
file [code]
 Adds custom quotes / delimiters to a delimited string.
file [code]
 Returns the database schema of a SAS library.
file [code]
 Assigns and returns an unused fileref.
file [code]
 Returns an unused libref.
file [code]
 Returns a shortened (32 char) GUID as a valid SAS name.
file [code]
 Returns a userid according to session context.
file [code]
 Retrieves a value from a dataset. If no filter supplied, then first record is used.
file [code]
 Returns number of variables in a dataset.
file [code]
 Returns the format of a variable.
file [code]
 Returns the length of a variable.
file [code]
 Returns dataset variable list direct from header.
file [code]
 Returns the position of a variable in dataset (varnum attribute).
file [code]
 Returns variable type - Character (C) or Numeric (N)
file [code]
 Returns the engine type of a SAS fileref.
file [code]
 Increments a macro variable.
file [code]
 Checks whether a macro variable is empty (blank)
file [code]
 Checks whether a path is a valid directory.
file [code]
 Returns 1 if the variable contains only digits 0-9, else 0.
file [code]
 Checks whether a string follows correct library.dataset format.
file [code]
 Returns physical location of various SAS items.
file [code]
 Creates a directory, including any intermediate directories.
file [code]
 Returns a macro variable value if the variable exists.
file [code]
 Returns number of logical (undeleted) observations.
file [code]
 Reads the first line of a file using pure macro.
file [code]
 Removes character(s) from the end, if they exist.
file [code]
 Creates a unique ID based on system time in friendly format.
file [code]
 Checks if a set of macro variables exist AND contain values.
file [code]
 Returns words that are in both string 1 and string 2.
file [code]
 Returns words that are in string 1 but not in string 2.
file [code]
 Creates a text file using pure macro.
file [code]
 abort gracefully according to context
file [code]
 Apply leading blanks to align numbers vertically in a char variable.
file [code]
 Append (concatenate) two or more files.
file [code]
 Apply a set of formats to a table.
file [code]
 Generic assertion.
file [code]
 Asserts the existence (or not) of columns.
file [code]
 Asserts the values in a column.
file [code]
 Asserts the number of observations in a dataset.
file [code]
 Used to capture scope leakage of macro variables.
file [code]
 Convert a file to/from base64 format.
file [code]
 Copy any file using binary input / output streams.
file [code]
 Splits a file of ANY SIZE by reference to a search string.
file [code]
 Fixes embedded cr / lf / crlf in CSV.
file [code]
 Creates a cntlout dataset in a consistent format.
file [code]
 A macro to recursively copy a directory.
file [code]
 Create the permanent Core tables.
file [code]
 Creates constraints.
file [code]
 Create a web service in SAS 9, Viya or SASjs Server (legacy)
file [code]
 Efficient import of arbitrary CSV using a dataset as template.
file [code]
 Delete constraionts.
file [code]
 A macro to delete a directory.
file [code]
 Creates a portal (libref) into the SQL Dictionary Views.
file [code]
 Returns all files and subdirectories within a specified parent.
file [code]
 Creates a dataset containing distinct formatted values.
file [code]
 Drops tables / views (if they exist) without warnings in the log.
file [code]
 Create a CARDS file from a SAS dataset.
file [code]
 Export a dataset to a CSV file WITH leading blanks.
file [code]
 Fetches DDL for a specific table.
file [code]
 Converts every value in a dataset to formatted value.
file [code]
 Export a dataset to SQL insert statements.
file [code]
 Create a Markdown Table from a dataset.
file [code]
 Create a smaller version of a dataset, without data loss.
file [code]
 Export dataset metadata to a single output table.
file [code]
 Checks an input filter table for validity.
file [code]
 Generates a filter clause from an input table, to a fileref.
file [code]
 Checks & Stores an input filter table and returns the Filter Key.
file [code]
 Checks a generated filter query for validity.
file [code]
 Creates a dataset with column metadata.
file [code]
 Get constraint details at column level.
file [code]
 Extract DBML from SAS Libraries.
file [code]
 Extract DDL in various formats, by table or library.
file [code]
 Export format definitions.
file [code]
 Scans a dataset to find the max length of the variable values.
file [code]
 Extract the primary key fields from a table or library.
file [code]
 Stages files in a GIT repo.
file [code]
 Creates a dataset with the commit history of a local repository.
file [code]
 Pulls latest release info from a GIT repository.
file [code]
 Creates a dataset with the output from GIT_STATUS()
file [code]
 Performs a text substitution on a file.
file [code]
 Guess the primary key of a table.
file [code]
 Returns a unique hash for a dataset.
file [code]
 Returns a unique hash for each file in a directory.
file [code]
 Performs a wrapped %include.
file [code]
 Initialise session with useful settings and variables.
file [code]
 Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref.
file [code]
 Convert all library members to CARDS files.
file [code]
 Convert all data in a library to SQL insert statements.
file [code]
 Loads a format catalog from a staging dataset.
file [code]
 Mechanism for locking tables to prevent parallel modifications.
file [code]
 Aborts if a SAS lock file is in place, or if one cannot be applied.
file [code]
 Create sample data based on the structure of an empty table.
file [code]
 Generates an md5 expression for hashing a set of variables.
file [code]
 Logs a message in a dataset every time it is invoked.
file [code]
 Enables previous observations to be re-instated.
file [code]
 Returns all children from a hierarchy table for a specified parent.
file [code]
 Performs a text substitution on a file.
file [code]
 Reset when an err condition occurs.
file [code]
 Reset an option to original value.
file [code]
 Generate and apply retained key values to a staging table.
file [code]
 An opinionated way to execute DDL files in SAS.
file [code]
 Searches all columns in a library.
file [code]
 Searches all data in a library.
file [code]
 Logs a key value pair a control dataset.
file [code]
 Sorts a SAS dataset in place, preserving constraints.
file [code]
 Prepares an audit table for stacking (re-applying) the changes.
file [code]
 Converts deletes/changes/appends into a single audit table.
file [code]
 Capture session start / finish times and request details.
file [code]
 Streams a file to _webout according to content type.
file [code]
 Generates a stage dataset to revert diffs tracked in an audit table.
file [code]
 Runs arbitrary code for a specified amount of time.
file [code]
 To be deprecated. Will execute a SASjs web service on SAS 9 or Viya.
file [code]
 Tests the write speed of a new table in a SAS library.
file [code]
 Recursively scans a directory tree to get all subfolders and content.
file [code]
 Unzips a zip file.
file [code]
 Change the length of a variable.
file [code]
 Used to validate variables in a dataset.
file [code]
 Wait until a file arrives before continuing execution.
file [code]
 Fix the _WEBIN variables provided to SAS web services.
file [code]
 Creates a zip file.