Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  @file
3  @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref
4  @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more
5  tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.
7  There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.
9  PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if
10  special chars are encountered.
12  > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.
14  > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.
16  > Date value out of range
18  If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.
20  The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and
21  can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always
22  in UTF-8.
24  Usage:
26  filename tmp temp;
27  data class; set sashelp.class;run;
29  %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)
30  %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)
31  %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)
32  %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)
34  data _null_;
35  infile tmp;
36  input;putlog _infile_;
37  run;
39  If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use
40  the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the
41  [sasjs adapter](
42  For more information see
44  @param [in] action Valid values:
45  @li OPEN - opens the JSON
46  @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object
47  @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array
48  @li CLOSE - closes the JSON
49  @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.
50  @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON
51  @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON
52  @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table
53  @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:
54  @li PROCJSON (default)
55  @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)
56  @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL
57  (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `".a"` or `".b"`)
58  @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,
59  such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an
60  object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,
61  `,"$tablename":{"formats":{"col1":"$CHAR1"},"types":{"COL1":"C"}}`
62  @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows
63  that should be converted to JSON
65  <h4> Related Files </h4>
66  @li
68  @version 9.2
69  @author Allan Bowe
70  @source
72 **/
73 %macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y
74  ,engine=DATASTEP
75  ,missing=NULL
76  ,showmeta=N
77  ,maxobs=MAX
78 )/*/STORE SOURCE*/;
79 %local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval
80  tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;
81 %let numcols=0;
82 %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);
84 %if &action=OPEN %then %do;
85  options nobomfile;
86  data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;
87  put '{"PROCESSED_DTTM" : "' "%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)" '"';
88  run;
89 %end;
90 %else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;
91  /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */
92  options validvarname=upcase;
93  /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation
94  ( we use temporary files */
95  filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;
96  data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';
97  put ", ""%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))"":";
98  run;
99  /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */
100  data _null_;
101  infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;
102  file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;
103  input sourcechar $char1. @@;
104  format sourcechar hex2.;
105  put sourcechar char1. @@;
106  run;
107  filename _sjs1 clear;
109  /* grab col defs */
110  proc contents noprint data=&ds
111  out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);
112  run;
113  %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);
114  proc sort data=&colinfo;
115  by varnum;
116  run;
117  /* move meta to mac vars */
118  data &colinfo;
119  if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');
120  set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;
121  name=upcase(name);
122  /* fix formats */
123  if type=2 or type=6 then do;
124  typelong='char';
125  length fmt $49.;
126  if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');
127  else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');
128  else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');
129  end;
130  else do;
131  typelong='num';
132  if format='' then fmt='best.';
133  else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');
134  else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');
135  else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);
136  end;
137  /* 32 char unique name */
138  newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);
140  call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');
141  call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');
142  call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');
143  call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');
144  call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');
145  call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');
146  call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');
147  /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */
148  if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');
149  else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');
150  run;
152  %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);
153  proc sql;
154  select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;
155  %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));
157  %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;
158  %if &missing=STRING %then %do;
159  %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;
160  %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;
161  %goto datastep;
162  %end;
163  data &tempds;
164  set &ds;
165  &stmt_obs;
166  %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;
167  /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */
168  filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';
169  proc json out=_sjs2 pretty
170  %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;
171  ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;
172  run;
173  /* send back to webout */
174  data _null_;
175  infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;
176  file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;
177  input sourcechar $char1. @@;
178  format sourcechar hex2.;
179  put sourcechar char1. @@;
180  run;
181  filename _sjs2 clear;
182  %end;
183  %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;
184  %datastep:
185  %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1
186  %then %do;
187  %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;
188  %return;
189  %end;
191  %if &fmt=Y %then %do;
192  /**
193  * Extract format definitions
194  * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats
195  * Then, by exporting the width using proc format
196  * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated
197  * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours
198  */
199  %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);
200  %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);
201  %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);
202  %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);
203  proc sql noprint;
204  create table &tmpds1 as
205  select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,
207  from dictionary.formats
208  where fmttype='F' and libname is not null
209  and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)
210  order by 1;
211  create table &tmpds2(
212  FMTNAME char(32),
213  LENGTH num
214  );
215  %local catlist cat fmtlist i;
216  select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;
217  %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));
218  %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));
219  proc sql;
220  select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '
221  from &tmpds1 where fmtcat="&cat";
222  proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);
223  select &fmtlist;
224  run;
225  proc sql;
226  insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;
227  %end;
229  proc sql;
230  create table &tmpds4 as
231  select a.*, b.length as MAXW
232  from &colinfo a
233  left join &tmpds2 b
234  on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))
235  order by a.varnum;
236  data _null_;
237  set &tmpds4;
238  if not missing(maxw);
239  call symputx(
240  cats('fmtlen',_n_),
241  /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */
242  min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))
243  ,'l'
244  );
245  run;
247  /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */
248  %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));
249  options varlenchk=NOWARN;
250  data _data_(compress=char);
251  /* shorten the new vars */
252  length
253  %do i=1 %to &numcols;
254  &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i
255  %end;
256  ;
257  /* rename on entry */
258  set &ds(rename=(
259  %do i=1 %to &numcols;
260  &&name&i=&&newname&i
261  %end;
262  ));
263  &stmt_obs;
265  drop
266  %do i=1 %to &numcols;
267  &&newname&i
268  %end;
269  ;
270  %do i=1 %to &numcols;
271  %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;
272  &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));
273  %end;
274  %else %do;
275  &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);
276  %end;
277  %end;
278  if _error_ then do;
279  call symputx('syscc',1012);
280  stop;
281  end;
282  run;
283  %let fmtds=&syslast;
284  options varlenchk=&optval;
285  %end;
287  proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */
288  value bart (default=40)
289  %if &missing=NULL %then %do;
290  ._ - .z = null
291  %end;
292  %else %do;
293  ._ = [quote()]
294  . = null
295  .a - .z = [quote()]
296  %end;
297  other = [best.];
299  data &tempds;
300  attrib _all_ label='';
301  %do i=1 %to &numcols;
302  %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;
303  length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;
304  format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;
305  %end;
306  %end;
307  %if &fmt=Y %then %do;
308  set &fmtds;
309  %end;
310  %else %do;
311  set &ds;
312  %end;
313  &stmt_obs;
314  format _numeric_ bart.;
315  %do i=1 %to &numcols;
316  %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;
317  if findc(&&name&i,'"\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;
318  &&name&i='"'!!trim(
319  prxchange('s/"/\\"/',-1, /* double quote */
320  prxchange('s/\x0A/\n/',-1, /* new line */
321  prxchange('s/\x0D/\r/',-1, /* carriage return */
322  prxchange('s/\x09/\\t/',-1, /* tab */
323  prxchange('s/\x00/\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */
324  prxchange('s/\x0E/\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */
325  prxchange('s/\x0F/\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */
326  prxchange('s/\x01/\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */
327  prxchange('s/\x02/\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */
328  prxchange('s/\x10/\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */
329  prxchange('s/\x11/\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */
330  prxchange('s/\x1A/\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */
331  prxchange('s/\\/\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)
332  )))))))))))))!!'"';
333  end;
334  else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));
335  %end;
336  %end;
337  run;
339  filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;
340  data _null_;
341  file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';
342  if _n_=1 then put "[";
343  set &tempds;
344  if _n_>1 then put "," @; put
345  %if &action=ARR %then "[" ; %else "{" ;
346  %do i=1 %to &numcols;
347  %if &i>1 %then "," ;
348  %if &action=OBJ %then """&&name&i"":" ;
349  "&&name&i"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */
350  %end;
351  %if &action=ARR %then "]" ; %else "}" ; ;
353  /* close out the table */
354  data _null_;
355  file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';
356  put ']';
357  run;
358  data _null_;
359  infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;
360  file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;
361  input sourcechar $char1. @@;
362  format sourcechar hex2.;
363  put sourcechar char1. @@;
364  run;
365  filename _sjs3 clear;
366  %end;
368  proc sql;
369  drop table &colinfo, &tempds;
371  %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;
372  filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';
373  data _null_;
374  file _sjs4;
375  length label $350;
376  put ", ""$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))"":{""vars"":{";
377  do i=1 to &numcols;
378  name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));
379  format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));
380  label=quote(prxchange('s/\\/\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));
381  length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));
382  type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));
383  if i>1 then put "," @@;
384  put name ':{"format":' format ',"label":' label
385  ',"length":' length ',"type":' type '}';
386  end;
387  put '}}';
388  run;
389  /* send back to webout */
390  data _null_;
391  infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;
392  file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;
393  input sourcechar $char1. @@;
394  format sourcechar hex2.;
395  put sourcechar char1. @@;
396  run;
397  filename _sjs4 clear;
398  %end;
399 %end;
401 %else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;
402  data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;
403  put "}";
404  run;
405 %end;
406 %mend mp_jsonout;