Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  @file
3  @brief Searches all columns in a library
4  @details
5  Scans a set of libraries and creates a dataset containing all source tables
6  containing one or more of a particular set of columns
8  Usage:
10  %mp_searchcols(libs=sashelp work, cols=name sex age)
12  @param [in] libs= (SASHELP)
13  Space separated list of libraries to search for columns
14  @param [in] cols=
15  Space separated list of column names to search for (not case sensitive)
16  @param [out] outds= (mp_searchcols)
17  The table to create with the results. Will have one line per table match.
18  @param [in] match= (ANY) The match type. Valid values:
19  @li ANY - The table contains at least one of the columns
20  @li WILD - The table contains a column with a name that partially matches
22  @version 9.2
23  @author Allan Bowe
24 **/
26 %macro mp_searchcols(libs=sashelp
27  ,cols=
28  ,outds=mp_searchcols
29  ,match=ANY
30 )/*/STORE SOURCE*/;
32 %put &sysmacroname process began at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);
34 /* get the list of tables in the library */
35 proc sql;
36 create table _data_ as
37  select distinct upcase(libname) as libname
38  , upcase(memname) as memname
39  , upcase(name) as name
40  from dictionary.columns
41 %if %sysevalf(%superq(libs)=,boolean)=0 %then %do;
42  where upcase(libname) in ("IMPOSSIBLE",
43  %local x;
44  %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&libs));
45  "%upcase(%scan(&libs,&x))"
46  %end;
47  )
48 %end;
49  order by 1,2,3;
51 %local tempds;
52 %let tempds=&syslast;
53 data &outds;
54  set &tempds;
55  length cols matchcols $32767;
56  cols=upcase(symget('cols'));
57  colcount=countw(cols);
58  by libname memname name;
59  if _n_=1 then do;
60  putlog "Searching libs: &libs";
61  putlog "Searching cols: " cols;
62  end;
63  if first.memname then do;
64  sumcols=0;
65  retain matchcols;
66  matchcols='';
67  end;
68 %if &match=ANY %then %do;
69  if findw(cols,name,,'spit') then do;
70  sumcols+1;
71  matchcols=cats(matchcols)!!' '!!cats(name);
72  end;
73 %end;
74 %else %if &match=WILD %then %do;
75  if _n_=1 then do;
76  retain wcount;
77  wcount=countw(cols);
78  drop wcount;
79  end;
80  do i=1 to wcount;
81  length curword $32;
82  curword=scan(cols,i,' ');
83  drop curword;
84  if index(name,cats(curword)) then do;
85  sumcols+1;
86  matchcols=cats(matchcols)!!' '!!cats(curword);
87  end;
88  end;
89 %end;
91  if last.memname then do;
92  if sumcols>0 then output;
93  if sumcols=colcount then putlog "Full Match: " libname memname;
94  end;
95  keep libname memname sumcols matchcols;
96 run;
98 proc sort; by descending sumcols memname libname; run;
100 proc sql;
101 drop table &tempds;
102 %put &sysmacroname process finished at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);
104 %mend mp_searchcols;