Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  @file
3  @brief Searches all data in a library
4  @details
5  Scans an entire library and creates a copy of any table
6  containing a specific string OR numeric value. Only
7  matching records are written out.
8  If both a string and numval are provided, the string
9  will take precedence.
11  Usage:
13  %mp_searchdata(lib=sashelp, string=Jan)
14  %mp_searchdata(lib=sashelp, ds=bird, numval=1)
15  %mp_searchdata(lib=sashelp, ds=class, string=l,outobs=5)
18  Outputs zero or more tables to an MPSEARCH library with specific records.
20  @param [in] lib= The libref to search (should be already assigned)
21  @param [in] ds= The dataset to search (leave blank to search entire library)
22  @param [in] string= String value to search (case sensitive, can be partial)
23  @param [in] numval= Numeric value to search (must be exact)
24  @param [out] outloc= (0) Optionally specify the directory in which to
25  create the the output datasets with matching rows. By default it will
26  write them to a temporary subdirectory within the WORK folder.
27  @param [out] outlib= (MPSEARCH) Assign a different libref to the output
28  library containing the matching datasets / records
29  @param [in] outobs= set to a positive integer to restrict the number of
30  observations
31  @param [in] filter_text= (1=1) Add a (valid) filter clause to further filter
32  the results.
34  <h4> SAS Macros </h4>
35  @li
36  @li
37  @li
38  @li
39  @li
41  @version 9.2
42  @author Allan Bowe
43 **/
45 %macro mp_searchdata(lib=
46  ,ds=
47  ,string= /* the query will use a contains (?) operator */
48  ,numval= /* numeric must match exactly */
49  ,outloc=0
50  ,outlib=MPSEARCH
51  ,outobs=-1
52  ,filter_text=%str(1=1)
53 )/*/STORE SOURCE*/;
55 %local table_list table table_num table colnum col start_tm check_tm vars type
56  coltype;
57 %put process began at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);
59 %if &syscc ge 4 %then %do;
60  %put %str(WAR)NING: SYSCC=&syscc on macro entry;
61  %return;
62 %end;
64 %if &string = %then %let type=N;
65 %else %let type=C;
67 %if "&outloc"="0" %then %do;
68  %let outloc=%sysfunc(pathname(work))/%mf_getuniquename();
69 %end;
71 %mf_mkdir(&outloc)
72 libname &outlib "&outloc";
74 /* get the list of tables in the library */
75 proc sql noprint;
76 select distinct memname into: table_list separated by ' '
77  from dictionary.tables
78  where upcase(libname)="%upcase(&lib)"
79 %if &ds ne %then %do;
80  and upcase(memname)=%upcase("&ds")
81 %end;
82  ;
83 /* check that we have something to check */
84 %if %length(&table_list)=0 %then %put library &lib contains no tables!;
85 /* loop through each table */
86 %else %do table_num=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&table_list,%str( )));
87  %let table=%scan(&table_list,&table_num,%str( ));
88  %let vars=%mf_getvarlist(&lib..&table);
89  %if %length(&vars)=0 %then %do;
90  %put NO COLUMNS IN &lib..&table! This will be skipped.;
91  %end;
92  %else %do;
93  %let check_tm=%sysfunc(datetime());
94  /* prep input */
95  data &outlib..&table;
96  set &lib..&table;
97  where %unquote(&filter_text) and ( 0
98  /* loop through columns */
99  %do colnum=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&vars,%str( )));
100  %let col=%scan(&vars,&colnum,%str( ));
101  %let coltype=%mf_getvartype(&lib..&table,&col);
102  %if &type=C and &coltype=C %then %do;
103  /* if a char column, see if it contains the string */
104  or ("&col"n ? "&string")
105  %end;
106  %else %if &type=N and &coltype=N %then %do;
107  /* if numeric match exactly */
108  or ("&col"n = &numval)
109  %end;
110  %end;
111  );
112  %if &outobs>-1 %then %do;
113  if _n_ > &outobs then stop;
114  %end;
115  run;
116  %put Search query for &table took
117  %sysevalf(%sysfunc(datetime())-&check_tm) seconds;
118  %if &syscc ne 0 %then %do;
119  %put %str(ERR)ROR: SYSCC=&syscc when processing &lib..&table;
120  %return;
121  %end;
122  %if %mf_nobs(&outlib..&table)=0 %then %do;
123  proc sql;
124  drop table &outlib..&table;
125  %end;
126  %end;
127 %end;
129 %put process finished at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);
131 %mend mp_searchdata;