Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  @file
3  @brief Converts deletes/changes/appends into a single audit table.
4  @details When tracking changes to data over time, it can be helpful to have
5  a single base table to track ALL modifications - enabling audit trail,
6  data recovery, and change re-application. This macro is one of many
7  data management utilities used in [Data Controller for SAS](
8 - a comprehensive data ingestion solution, which
9  works on any SAS platform (Viya, SAS 9, Foundation).
11  NOTE - this macro does not validate the inputs. It is assumed that the
12  datasets containing the new / changed / deleted rows are CORRECT, contain
13  no additional (or missing columns), and that the originals dataset contains
14  all relevant base records (and no additionals).
16  Usage:
18  data work.orig work.deleted work.changed work.appended;
19  set sashelp.class;
20  if _n_=1 then do;
21  output work.orig work.deleted;
22  end;
23  else if _n_=2 then do;
24  output work.orig;
25  age=99;
26  output work.changed;
27  end;
28  else do;
29  name='Newbie';
30  output work.appended;
31  stop;
32  end;
33  run;
35  %mp_storediffs(sashelp.class,work.orig,NAME
36  ,delds=work.deleted
37  ,modds=work.changed
38  ,appds=work.appended
39  ,
40  ,mdebug=1
41  )
43  @param [in] libds Target table against which the changes were applied
44  @param [in] origds Dataset with original (unchanged) records. Can be empty if
45  only appending.
46  @param [in] key Space seperated list of key variables
47  @param [in] delds= (0) Dataset with deleted records
48  @param [in] appds= (0) Dataset with appended records
49  @param [in] modds= (0) Dataset with modified records
50  @param [out] outds= (work.mp_storediffs) Output table containing stored data.
51  DDL as follows: %mp_coretable(DIFFTABLE)
53  @param [in] processed_dttm= (0) Provide a datetime constant in relation to
54  the actual load time. If not provided, current timestamp is used.
55  @param [in] mdebug= set to 1 to enable DEBUG messages and preserve outputs
56  @param [out] loadref= (0) Provide a unique key to reference the load,
57  otherwise a UUID will be generated.
59  <h4> SAS Macros </h4>
60  @li
61  @li
62  @li
64  <h4> Related Macros </h4>
65  @li
66  @li
67  @li
69  @version 9.2
70  @author Allan Bowe
71 **/
72 /** @cond */
74 %macro mp_storediffs(libds
75  ,origds
76  ,key
77  ,delds=0
78  ,appds=0
79  ,modds=0
80  ,outds=work.mp_storediffs
81  ,loadref=0
82  ,processed_dttm=0
83  ,mdebug=0
84 )/*/STORE SOURCE*/;
85 %local dbg;
86 %if &mdebug=1 %then %do;
87  %put &sysmacroname entry vars:;
88  %put _local_;
89 %end;
90 %else %let dbg=*;
92 /* set up unique and temporary vars */
93 %local ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 hashkey inds_auto inds_keep dslist vlist;
94 %let ds1=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds1));
95 %let ds2=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds2));
96 %let ds3=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds3));
97 %let ds4=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds4));
98 %let hashkey=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_hashkey));
99 %let inds_auto=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_inds_auto));
100 %let inds_keep=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_inds_keep));
102 %let dslist=&origds;
103 %if &delds ne 0 %then %do;
104  %let delds=%upcase(&delds);
105  %if %scan(&delds,-1,.)=&delds %then %let delds=WORK.&delds;
106  %let dslist=&dslist &delds;
107 %end;
108 %if &appds ne 0 %then %do;
109  %let appds=%upcase(&appds);
110  %if %scan(&appds,-1,.)=&appds %then %let appds=WORK.&appds;
111  %let dslist=&dslist &appds;
112 %end;
113 %if &modds ne 0 %then %do;
114  %let modds=%upcase(&modds);
115  %if %scan(&modds,-1,.)=&modds %then %let modds=WORK.&modds;
116  %let dslist=&dslist &modds;
117 %end;
119 %let origds=%upcase(&origds);
120 %if %scan(&origds,-1,.)=&origds %then %let origds=WORK.&origds;
122 %let key=%upcase(&key);
124 /* hash the key and append all the tables (marking the source) */
125 data &ds1;
126  set &dslist indsname=&inds_auto;
127  &hashkey=put(md5(catx('|',%mf_getquotedstr(&key,quote=N))),$hex32.);
128  &inds_keep=upcase(&inds_auto);
129 proc sort;
130  by &inds_keep &hashkey;
131 run;
133 /* transpose numeric & char vars */
134 proc transpose data=&ds1
135  out=&ds2(rename=(&hashkey=key_hash _name_=tgtvar_nm col1=newval_num));
136  by &inds_keep &hashkey;
137  var _numeric_;
138 run;
139 proc transpose data=&ds1
140  out=&ds3(
141  rename=(&hashkey=key_hash _name_=tgtvar_nm col1=newval_char)
142  where=(tgtvar_nm not in ("&hashkey","&inds_keep"))
143  );
144  by &inds_keep &hashkey;
145  var _character_;
146 run;
148 %if %index(&libds,-)>0 and %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;
149  /* this is a format catalog - cannot query cols directly */
150  %let vlist="TYPE","FMTNAME","FMTROW","START","END","LABEL","MIN","MAX"
153 %end;
154 %else %let vlist=%mf_getvarlist(&libds,dlm=%str(,),quote=DOUBLE);
156 data &ds4;
157  length &inds_keep $41 tgtvar_nm $32 _label_ $256;
158  if _n_=1 then call missing(_label_);
159  drop _label_;
160  set &ds2 &ds3 indsname=&inds_auto;
162  tgtvar_nm=upcase(tgtvar_nm);
163  if tgtvar_nm in (%upcase(&vlist));
165  if upcase(&inds_auto)="&ds2" then tgtvar_type='N';
166  else if upcase(&inds_auto)="&ds3" then tgtvar_type='C';
167  else do;
168  putlog 'ERR' +(-1) "OR: unidentified vartype input!" &inds_auto;
169  call symputx('syscc',98);
170  end;
172  if &inds_keep="&appds" then move_type='A';
173  else if &inds_keep="&delds" then move_type='D';
174  else if &inds_keep="&modds" then move_type='M';
175  else if &inds_keep="&origds" then move_type='O';
176  else do;
177  putlog 'ERR' +(-1) "OR: unidentified movetype input!" &inds_keep;
178  call symputx('syscc',99);
179  end;
180  tgtvar_nm=upcase(tgtvar_nm);
181  if tgtvar_nm in (%mf_getquotedstr(&key)) then is_pk=1;
182  else is_pk=0;
183  drop &inds_keep;
184 run;
186 %if "&loadref"="0" %then %let loadref=%sysfunc(uuidgen());
187 %if &processed_dttm=0 %then %let processed_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime(),8.6);
188 %let libds=%upcase(&libds);
190 /* join orig vals for modified & deleted */
191 proc sql;
192 create table &outds as
193  select "&loadref" as load_ref length=36
194  ,&processed_dttm as processed_dttm format=E8601DT26.6
195  ,"%scan(&libds,1,.)" as libref length=8
196  ,"%scan(&libds,2,.)" as dsn length=32
197  ,b.key_hash length=32
198  ,b.move_type length=1
199  ,b.tgtvar_nm length=32
200  ,b.is_pk
201  ,case when b.move_type ne 'M' then -1
202  when a.newval_num=b.newval_num and a.newval_char=b.newval_char then 0
203  else 1
204  end as is_diff
205  ,b.tgtvar_type length=1
206  ,case when b.move_type='D' then b.newval_num
207  else a.newval_num
208  end as oldval_num format=best32.
209  ,case when b.move_type='D' then .
210  else b.newval_num
211  end as newval_num format=best32.
212  ,case when b.move_type='D' then b.newval_char
213  else a.newval_char
214  end as oldval_char length=32765
215  ,case when b.move_type='D' then ''
216  else b.newval_char
217  end as newval_char length=32765
218  from &ds4(where=(move_type='O')) as a
219  right join &ds4(where=(move_type ne 'O')) as b
220  on a.tgtvar_nm=b.tgtvar_nm
221  and a.key_hash=b.key_hash
222  order by move_type, key_hash,is_pk desc, tgtvar_nm;
224 %if &mdebug=0 %then %do;
225  proc sql;
226  drop table &ds1, &ds2, &ds3, &ds4;
227 %end;
229 %mend mp_storediffs;
230 /** @endcond */