File Reference

Filters a table with CLS rules. More...

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Detailed Description

Implements CLS as per the rules described here:


[in]tgtlibThe libref of the target table
[in]tgtdsThe dataset reference of the target table
[in]indsA two-level (lib.ds) reference to the WORK table to which to apply the column filter rules
[in]mode=(VIEW) Either VIEW or EDIT to indicate whether the resulting table is intended to be viewable or editable.
[in]groupds=(work.groups)A two-level (lib.ds) reference to a dataset containing the list of groups of which the current user is a member. The column containing the group name should be called groupname.
[in]clsds=(work.clsds) A two-level (lib.ds) reference to the configuration table containing the CLS rules to apply.
[out]outds=(WORK.CLSVIEW) A two-level (lib.ds) reference to the WORK dataset to create
[out]outmeta=(WORK.CLS_RULES)The rule metadata, with the following structure: |CLS_VARIABLE_NM:$32.|CLS_HIDE:best.| |—|—|—|—|—| |SOME_VARIABLE|0| |VAR3|1|

SAS Macros

4GL Apps Ltd

Definition in file