File Reference

Triggers a SASjs Server STP using the /SASjsApi/stp/trigger endpoint. More...

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Detailed Description

Triggers the STP and returns the sessionId


[in]pgmThe full path to the Stored Program in SASjs Drive (_program parameter)
[in]debug=(131) The value to supply to the _debug URL parameter
[in]mdebug=(0) Set to 1 to enable DEBUG messages
[in]inputparams=(<em>null</em>)A dataset containing name/value pairs in the following format:
name:$32 value:$10000
stpmacname some value
mustbevalidname can be anything, oops, abort!!
[in]inputfiles=(null) A dataset containing fileref/name/filename in the following format:
fileref:$8 name:$32 filename:$256
someref some_name some_filename.xls
fref2 another_file zyx_v2.csv
[in]expiresaftermins=(15) The number of minutes to retain the session folder after the session ends.
[out]outds=(work.ms_triggerstp) Set to the name of a dataset to contain the sessionId. If this dataset already exists, and contains the sessionId, it will be appended to. Format:

SAS Macros

Definition in file