File Reference

Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service. More...

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Detailed Description

This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution Service, immediately followed by a call to:


This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the following syntax:

data some datasets; * make some data ;
  retain some columns;

%mv_webout(ARR,some)  * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;
%mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;
[in]actionEither OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE
[in]dsThe dataset to send back to the frontend
[in]_webout=fileref for returning the json
[out]fref=(_mvwtemp)Temp fileref to which to write the output
[out]dslabel=value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON
[in]fmt=(N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values
[in]stream=(Y)Change to N if not streaming to _webout
[in]missing=(NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL (eg null) or as STRING values (eg ".a" or ".b")
[in]showmeta=(N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table, such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie, ,"$tablename":{"formats":{"col1":"$CHAR1"},"types":{"COL1":"C"}}
[in]maxobs=(MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows that should be converted to output JSON
[in]workobs=(0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all tables in the WORK library.

SAS Macros

Related Macros

Viya 3.3
Allan Bowe, source:

Definition in file