File Reference

Create a CARDS file from a SAS dataset. More...

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Detailed Description

Uses dataset attributes to convert all data into datalines. Running the generated file will rebuild the original dataset. Includes support for large decimals, binary data, PROCESSED_DTTM columns, and alternative encoding. If the input dataset is empty, the cards file will still be created.

Additional support to generate a random sample and max rows.


  , tgt_ds=work.class
  , cards_file= "C:\temp\"
  , showlog=NO
  , maxobs=5


  • labelling the dataset
  • explicity setting a unix LF
  • constraints / indexes etc
[in]base_dsShould be two level - eg work.blah. This is the table that is converted to a cards file.
[in]tgt_ds=Table that the generated cards file would create. Optional - if omitted, will be same as BASE_DS.
[out]cards_file=("%sysfunc(pathname(work))/") Location in which to write the (.sas) cards file
[in]maxobs=(max) To limit output to the first maxobs observations, enter an integer here.
[in]random_sample=(NO) Set to YES to generate a random sample of data. Can be quite slow.
[in]showlog=(YES) Whether to show generated cards file in the SAS log. Valid values:
  • YES
  • NO
[in]outencoding=Provide encoding value for file statement (eg utf-8)
[in]append=(NO) If NO then will rebuild the cards file if it already exists, otherwise will append to it. Used by the macro.

Related Macros

Allan Bowe

Definition in file